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Thank You Sandra, for making my wonderful banner!!

I will be making a banner exchange page very soon, so if you have a web-site and would like to exchange banners & links, please send me your banner and URL.


Hi, and welcome to my very own little piece of the 'world'.
I live with my family; two daughters - Charlie and Georgie, and I belong to 3 cats, Beauty, Tasha and Sausage.  We live in West Yorkshire ~ England.
A sad note: In July 2007 I was, and still am, heartbroken when I lost my 2 fur-baby's, Sausage & Beauty, within a week of each other - I hope they are happy and pain-free in that big fur-baby place in the sky.
I have a big sister, Carole, (with an 'e'!) - who's married to David. They share their home with Bruce, the 'loony Labrador', and Poppy, a 'rescue' dog.
I also have a big brother, Nigel, who's married to Lynda - mum to Larissa and James.

I originally started off with the intention of just learning the basics of 'html', for my own satisfaction.   I 'created' one page, of which I was VERY proud, then I just kept on going, and going, and going..........

The result is what you see here!
All my 'html' is self taught, through books and tutorials, but I did have some 'expert techie' help, when I got stuck and stressed, from some very kind and helpful people, who I met over the web ~ A great big 'THANK YOU' to Andy and John.   Also, without the help I got from Alex at Photobucket, I wouldn't even have attempted my first page!

John is actually a professional web designer, for both personal and business sites ~ if you're looking to get your own site, but can't face the prospect of 'doing-it-yourself', I recommend, without hesitation, John's own site: Web Designs By J.C.!

Below, you will find links to some of my favourite subjects.
My Music page gives links to a short biography of Mr.Freddie Mercury and also to some lyrics of a few of my favourite Queen songs.
My Chocolate page, gives a warning to dieters and Debbie before you actually get to the contents, which include all sorts of 'Chocky' info along with several 'outside' links to some wonderful chocolate sites. There is also a link to a few 'rather yummy' chocolate recipes which I thought you might enjoy.
My Books page includes links to Anne Rice and Barbara Erskine ~ both of whom I greatly admire, there's also a link to a page of Paul Gallico cat poems and verse. I am also giving a 'running commentary' with regards to reading War and Peace!(Woohoo......I've FINISHED it!!)

My Furry Family page, consists of de ions and pictures of all the cats and dogs, with a link to lots of 'pussy-cat' graphics, plus another link to a very special personal page. I also keep adding more links to this page, including one for my niece, Sam, A 'doggy' page for my sister, a page for my daughters, and I have just 'created' one for my favourite BIG cat ~ The Tiger!
Last, but not least, my Thanks page, which gives details of the people who have helped me, along with links to sites, whose information and products I could not have done without!
I am currently involved in making a few more pages for, amongst other things, PSP (Paint Shop Pro - am a beginner but having fun!), dolls, and blinkies! They will be added in the next few weeks, so please, keep checking back :o)
I have just added a special birthday page for Mr. Mercury, who would've been 60 on September 5th 2006!

Well, it looks like I'm NEVER going to finish my 'blinkie' page OR my 'Dolls' page - they just keep on growing.........! Oh, nearly forgot, just added my LOU page, a page full of 'LOU' tags!!
January 2008 - Just added a page for 'Bob' - And, there's more of those 'strange' desk-tops on my PSP page! What's next? Wait and see - LOL...........
November 2008 - Just added a page of 'LOL Cats' They are so funny and so addictive. If you fancy a giggle, check it out!


I am very proud of these awards ~ Thank you Michie

Every page has this icon on it. Click on it to take you 'home'.
Finally, if you have any comments, questions or suggestions ~ please E-Mail me.

I hope you enjoy my site ~ I had a lot of fun doing it!
Love Lou xxx

'Purrfect Site' Award

Cat, Cats, a Feline Paradise! - If you love cats, visit I-Love-Cats.com now for tons of free cat stuff!

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Cat WebMaster Award

Cats, Pet Supplies, Pets, Cat Toys
Cat Supplies, Dogs, Pet Store

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